The article presents general guidelines for language revitalization, developed within the framework of the project "Endangered languages. Comprehensive models for research and revitalization".
Our publication: Integral Strategies for Language Revitalization
This paper discusses major historical, cultural, linguistic, social and institutional factors contributing to the shift and endangerment of the Nahuatl language in Mexico. As a practical proposal, we discuss our strategy for its revitalization, as well as a series of projects and activities we have been carrying out for the last several years. Crucial to this approach are several complementary elements: interdisciplinary research, including documentary work, as well as investigation of both the historical and the present state of Nahua language and culture; integration of both Western and native-speaking indigenous researchers as equal partners and the provision of space for indigenous methodologies; creation of teaching programs for native and non-native speakers oriented toward the preparation of language materials; and close collaboration with indigenous communities in developing community-based programs.
Podczas inauguracji nowego roku akademickiego na UW dr Justyna Olko z Wydziału "Artes Liberales" wygłosiła wykład pt. „Zagrożone języki: wyzwania nauki zaangażowanej”.
The main topic of my communication is the recent progress of the linguistic and cultural revitalization of the Amazigh, i.e. Berber language and identity in Morocco. The reality I'm dealing with is just a fragment of a larger question, concerning cultural and political status of Berber tribes in different countries of the Northern Africa, including both the Maghreb and the regions further to the south, including Mali. This question is by no means a pacific one; it's connected to many political problems and seen as a source of instability in Africa. Morocco is just a relatively stable country of the region that over the last decade have managed to find relatively satisfactory solutions to this question.
Kiedy zastanawiamy się nad motywacjami do nauki i znajomości języków okazuje się, że analizując powody, dla których warto uczyć się języka, możemy znaleźć ich bardzo dużo. Uczniowie szkoły podstawowej i gimnazjum w Wilamowicach na spotkaniu poświęconym temu tematowi (30 września 2014), wymienili aż 66 powodów, dla których mogliby uczyć się wilamowskiego.