Tlahtolixcopincayotl Atliaca Guerrero
"In Citlalmachiyotl - The Star Sign" - Louise M. Burkhart, Abelardo de la Cruz, Barry D. Sell& John Sullivan
Citlalmachiyotl - Louise M. Burkhart, Abelardo de la Cruz de la Cruz & John Sullivan
Cenyahtoc cintli tonacayo - Eduardo de la Cruz Cruz
The song "Axcan nipaqui" written in Nahuatl by the poet Natalio Hernández and performed by the participants of the first Nahuatl Document Analysis Workshop (XVI-XVIII Centuries) for Native Speakers: "Words of our ancestors".
Opinions by users of different variants of Nahuatl, who took part in the first Nahuatl Document Analysis Workshop (XVI-XVIII Centuries) for Native Speakers: "Words of our ancestors".
Presentation of the books from the monolingual series "Totlahol" during the first Nahuatl Document Analysis Workshop (XVI-XVIII Centuries) for Native Speakers :"Words of our ancestors".
Presentation of a modern Nahuatl story based on a prehispanic Aztec myth written down in the 16th century. The story about the creation of subsequent worlds-suns was performed by the authors of of the work in Tlaxcala and northern Veracruz (La Huasteca) variants - Refugio Nava Nava and Eduardo de la Cruz.
Invitation to a performance in Nahuatl
Podczas inauguracji nowego roku akademickiego na UW dr Justyna Olko z Wydziału "Artes Liberales" wygłosiła wykład pt. „Zagrożone języki: wyzwania nauki zaangażowanej”.